Annual Security Report
每年10月1日,学校会向在校学生和员工发送最新的年度安全报告(ASR), and is made available to prospective students and employees. 该报告包含安全和安保相关政策声明以及3年来的犯罪统计数据.
View the 2023 Annual Security Report
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The following crimes must be disclosed in ACC’s Annual Security Report, as required by the Clery行为:
Murder/Non-Negligent Manslaughter: the willful (non-negligent) killing of one human being by another. NOTE: Deaths ca使用d by negligence, 企图杀人, 攻击致死, 自杀事件, 意外死亡, and justifiable homicides are excluded.
Manslaughter by Negligence: the killing of another person through gross negligence.
Sexual Assault includes four crimes:
- 强奸:渗透, 无论多么微不足道, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim. This definition includes any gender of victim or perpetrator.
- 抚摸:为了性满足而触摸另一个人的身体私处, forcibly and/or against that person’s will; or, 在受害人因年轻或因暂时或永久精神残疾而无法给予同意的情况下,不得强迫或违背受害人的意愿.
- 乱伦:在法律禁止结婚的范围内,彼此有亲属关系的人之间的非强制性交.
- 法定强奸:与未达到法定同意年龄的人发生非强制的性行为. In Texas, the age of consent is 17.
抢劫: the taking or attempting to take anything from value of the care, 以武力或威胁使用武力或暴力和/或使受害者处于恐惧之中来拘留或控制一个或多个人.
加重攻击罪: 人身攻击:一个人为了造成严重或加重的身体伤害而对另一个人进行的非法攻击. 这种类型的攻击通常伴随着使用武器或可能造成死亡或严重身体伤害的手段. It is not necessary that injury result from an aggravated 攻击 when a gun, 如果犯罪成功,所使用的刀或其他武器可能或可能造成严重的潜在伤害.
入室盗窃: The unlawful entry of a structure to commit a felony or a theft. For reporting purposes this definition includes: unlawful entry with intent to commit a larceny or a felony; 打破 and entering with intent to commit a larceny; ho使用打破; safecracking; and all attempts to commit any of the aforementioned.
汽车盗窃案: The theft or attempted theft of a motor vehicle. (所有车辆被非法进入的人拿走的案件都归为机动车盗窃, even though the vehicles are later abandoned – 包括 joy riding)
纵火罪: The willful or malicious burning or attempt to burn, with or without intent to defraud, 住宅, 公共建筑, motor vehicle or aircraft, or personal property of another kind.
- 窃盗罪: 非法占有, 携带, 领先的, or riding away of property from the possession or constructive possession of another.
- 破坏: To willfully or maliciously destroy, 伤害, 使变丑, or deface any public or private property, 真实的还是个人的, without the consent of the owner or person having custody or control by cutting, 撕裂, 打破, 标记, 绘画, 画, 被污秽覆盖, or any other such means as may be specified by local law.
- 威胁: 通过使用威胁性言语和/或其他行为,非法地使他人处于对身体伤害的合理恐惧之中, but without displaying a weapon or subjecting the victim to actual physical attack.
- 简单的攻击一种由一个人对另一个人进行的非法的身体攻击,但双方都没有出示武器, 受害者也没有明显的严重或加重的身体伤害,包括明显的骨折, 牙齿脱落, possible internal injury, severe laceration or loss of consciousness.
Reportable bias categories are: 比赛, 宗教, 种族, 国家的起源, 性别, 性别认同, 性取向, 和残疾
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Offenses
家庭暴力: “家庭暴力”一词包括由受害者的现任或前任配偶犯下的重罪或轻罪, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spo使用, 根据该司法管辖区的家庭暴力法或家庭暴力法,与受害者的配偶地位相同的人, 或任何其他人对受其管辖的家庭暴力或家庭暴力法保护而不受其行为侵害的成人或青少年受害者.
•TX交会. 71.003. “家庭”包括根据第573条确定的有血缘关系或亲缘关系的个人.022和573.024, 政府的代码, individuals who are former spo使用s of each other, individuals who are the parents of the same child, without regard to marriage, and a foster child and foster parent, without regard to whether those individuals reside together.
•TX交会. 71.004. “家庭暴力”是指:(1)家庭或家庭成员对另一家庭或家庭成员的旨在造成身体伤害的行为, 身体伤害, 攻击, 或者是性侵犯,或者是一种威胁,合理地使成员担心即将受到身体伤害, 身体伤害, 攻击, 或者性侵犯, but does not include defensive measures to protect oneself; (2) ab使用, as that term is defined by Sections 261.001(1)(C), (E), (G), (H), (I), (J), (K), (米), by a member of a family or ho使用hold toward a child of the family or ho使用hold; or (3) dating violence, as that term is defined by Section 71.0021.
•TX交会. 71.005. “Ho使用hold” means a unit composed of persons living together in the same dwelling, without regard to whether they are related to each other.
•TX交会. 71.006. “Member of a ho使用hold” includes a person who previously lived in a ho使用hold.
约会暴力: The term ‘‘dating violence’’ means violence committed by a person—(a) who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and (b) where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors:(i) The length of the relationship; (ii) The type of relationship; (iii) The frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.
注意: TX交会. 71.004 above defines family violence to include dating violence.
跟踪: The term ‘‘stalking’’ means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would ca使用 a reasonable person to—(a) fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or (b) suffer substantial emotional distress. For the purposes of this definition:
- 行为准则 means two or more acts, 包括, 但不限于, acts in which the stalker directly, 间接, or through third parties, 通过任何行动, 方法, 设备, 或者意味着, 遵循, 监控, 观察, 监视, 威胁, or communicates to or about a person, or interferes with a person’s property.
- 合理的人 指与被害人在相似情况下具有相似身份的理性人.
- Substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.
Arrests and Referrals for Disciplinary Action for Weapon, Drug, and Liquor Offenses
违反武器法: The violation of laws or ordinances dealing with weapon offenses, 规管性质, 例如:制造, 出售, or possession of deadly weapons; 携带 deadly weapons, concealed or openly; 家具 deadly weapons to minors; aliens possessing deadly weapons; all attempts to commit any of the aforementioned.
滥用药物罪行: Violations of state and local laws relating to the unlawful possession, 出售, 使用, 日益增长的, 制造业, and making of narcotic drugs. The relevant substances include: opium or cocaine and their derivatives (morphine, 海洛因, codeine); marijuana; synthetic narcotics (Demerol, methadone); and dangerous non-narcotic drugs (barbiturates, 苯丙胺).
酒类违法行为: The violation of laws or ordinance prohibiting: the manufacture, 出售, 运输, 家具, possessing of intoxicating liquor; maintaining unlawful drinking places; bootlegging; operating a still; 家具 liquor to minor or intemperate person; using a vehicle for illegal transportation of liquor; drinking on a train or public conveyance; all attempts to commit any of the aforementioned. (Drunkenness and driving under the influence are not included in this definition.)